Thursday, December 12, 2013

Funny Animals

This horse is pretty comical. It reminds me of my horses. They do that with there teeth when they have like food stuck or something like that. Then they make this coughing noise. Its pretty funny. We have 3 horses Reno, Reba, and Ernest.

My favorite animal is a monkey because they always have funny faces like this no matter what they are doing. This picture looks like a little kid sticking his tongue out at people.

This picture of the mini donkeys looks like two of the donkeys I have. The baby looks like Poncho when he was first born. He was so cute and furry. I wanted to cuddle with him but when I picked him up he kicked me in the face. It hurt. I gave up on trying to cuddle with him after that. We have 4 mini donkeys: Poncho, Gladdis, Brandie and Bailey.

This pygmy goat looks a lot like one of the goats at my house. Except they are different colors. Clyde has the big horns and he thinks hes playing when he comes after you with his horns. It actually really hurts sometimes. Clyde also has the goatee going on under his chin. Clyde is like the king of the goats. We also have Bonnie, Earl, Ana belle and Lucy.

This baby calf is pretty cute. We used to have cows. He looks like Norman when he was little. They stick there tongues up there nose a lot. I'm not really sure why though. If you put your hand next to there mouth they lick it and try to eat it but it doesn't hurt. We had 2 calves that died: Brownie and Cinnamon, Then we had two more that lived but they are no longer alive because it was there time to be slaughtered. There names were Vanilla and Cocoa. Then we had two more that are still living, just not at our house cause there too big. They are Norman and Lily. Lily is like a monster now. She's pretty scary looking now.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


One of my favorite songs is one I can relate to. Its called Holy Water by Big and Rich. My counselor played it during one of  my very first sessions. I had heard it before but never actually realized what the song was actually about until I could relate to it. My counselor still plays this song a lot to help me realize I'm not the only one in the world who has to deal with this, and that there is hope even when I think I've got none. This song helps me get through a lot of my bad days/nights.

P.S. Don't listen to the song unless you really want to know my life struggles. I really don't care I guess.